Friday, 4 April 2014


My mind is full of thoughts; actually, literally, an infinite number of thoughts in infinite layers of the mind. How, why, when, past, future, his, hers, mine, theirs, ages ago, worlds hence, thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, jumble upon jumble, how to get it, how to get out of it, why me, why not me, how me, how will I get this, how will I keep that, will ‘my’ children be mine, why did this happen to me, how shall I keep ‘my ‘ beloved husband, wife, son, daughter, father, lover and so on till infinity.

Were they ever mine?

And how about that ‘Karuna ka saagar’, Ocean of Compassion, who suffers with each of His sons and daughters and saints and disciples, His children, His own, parts of Him, Him Himself? Does he cry and suffer when we suffer? Does he have no feeling for us, his own?

Do I remember the time when my little girl or boy had to take their cruel injections or break a bone or suffer illness and pain? Did I not suffer? Did I not agree that the doctors had to inject or operate or encase or anything else? Did I not suffer in every breath with my child, yet had to put him/her through the pain and suffering and fear and accept it as best as I could? Did I not hope for the best, work for the best, manipulate for the best, pray for the best?

Doesn’t He, who is the Father of all fathers, the Mother of all mothers?

Has not the past gone by, is not the future out of reach?

Did They not suffer who hung on the cross, did They not suffer who died in unimaginable torture? Did they not suffer who fell to sword, bullet, disease, hunger, fear, oppression? Who am I that I must not suffer?

Only one person is free from suffering.

Did they suffer who gave their lives smilingly for a cause, who were roasted and burnt alive, who were chopped into pieces, who wore laurels of thorns.…. and forgave the oppressors? All of them forgave. Did they despair?

Only one who knows that it is for a cause greater than the self, only one who knows that this is not the end, only one knows that there are answers to all the questions, but they are yet out of reach, out of the syllabus of this school, and will come in their own time, only one who has Faith on the One whose parts we are, only one who knows that there is method in this madness, that that method will be revealed in some other dimension, that The Master who orchestrates it all is a benign master who suffers with His children; only that one is free from suffering.

Acceptance, Hope, Faith. I do not need to Know in black and white print or in just so many words! My words and the thoughts they define are not even a minuscule proportion of what IS? Oh I cannot even formulate my questions properly, how do I expect to understand the answers?! The answers lie in FAITH. Faith that He Knows, He is Right, and it is all under control.

If we can take the plunge on a bungee rope just on the faith that all is under control, can we not grant to god, our lord, our father, our saviour, our shelter, the sum total of all the good wishes and blessings we ever had, the collective soul of all our ancestors and predecessors gone by and all our children born and yet unborn, can we not have faith on Him that ALL IS WELL?

Can I just constantly remember that my Father is there and is very much in control? Get rid of all other thoughts? Did my children not take their first bitter medicines and injections and going away from homes just that way? Did they not have faith that mom and dad were actually waiting just outside the school gates, or would be there to take them home when the time came?

Can I just glow in the secure knowledge of His infinite love, forgiveness and compassion?

“Zeina Glo brings you the radiant glow of inner peace, good health and attendant beauty.
Zeina Glo helps you strip off layers of inhibitions, hesitation, and cynicism, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow freely.
Zeina Glo helps to douse the flames of insecurity and guilt, to open the windows of mind and body to the cool fresh breeze of love.
Zeina Glo encourages you to spread inner peace, good health, radiance, exuberance, warmth, joy and the glow from your inner being.
Zeina Glo brings the beauty of your own thoughts back to you!!”

For, questions, criticism or advice, please post comments here, or write to or


  1. Beautiful...!! Such a Masterpiece.
    At the moment my mind is haunted with a phrase which says "Someone there is happier in less than what you have", after going through this beautiful blog I say to myself “Someone there is smiling dealing with the problems bigger than you have ”.We all encounter problems in life….we overcome many of them but even the ones those seem to drain us to a level that we start questioning ourselves and relate ourselves with situations we don’t own, to all such situations I quote “Tu mera rakha sabni thai”(Google to see translation).
    Trust in HIM is all that is required and I thank the blogger for guiding me through this blog into something very bright and controlled..!! 

  2. You are my Keeper in every place / You are my Guardian everywhere / You are my Saviour everywhere... Yes, "Tu mera rakha sabni thai", yes, it is He, it is He, it is He!

    "Tu hi Tu, Tu hi Tu, Tu hi Tu......." Only You, only You, only You...... repeated so many times that it overshadows all other thoughts and beliefs of the mind, and floods our hearts to the only truth....Him, and washes away the greatest illusion, I.
