Thursday, 24 April 2014

THREE TREES (Nawab Nagar)

With axe and saw, rope and strength, apprehension, desperation; our elders came to settle the land. They came to raise families. They came to provide. They came with love and caring. They came with courage and conviction. They came with prayer and hope.

After the blitzkrieg; years of sweat and toil, only three trees of note remained standing from those native to the almost 500 acres of marsh and jungle. They were too noble to fall.

The rest were replaced by crops of every description and orchards of guava and mango. Of course, there were still a lot of date palms and others bordering the water canals and waysides, but they are not of consequence to this tale.

A ‘peepal’ stood about a hundred yards east of the homestead, a ‘neem’ even closer to the south, and a ‘pakhar’ out in the fields to the west.

(Now, I can surf the net and write the English names, but I’ll ask you to do it yourself if you really need to)

The Peepal gave us the first sounds of leaves rattling in the heat of the summer afternoon even before we felt the stir of the breeze. It gave us our first idea of ‘gigantic’. It gave us the taste of deep shade, really deep, so deep that it could take away the discomfort of the heat if one only looked into its depth even when not in the shade.

The Peepal gave us knots and hollows that harboured cobras and bats and bees and witches and ghosts and scorpions and a whole lot of creepy-crawlies. It gave us colonies of owls perched silently observant by day and swooshing by at night. It gave us flocks of storks balancing precariously on the highest twigs.

The Peepal gave us a feeling of an elder, a parent, a guardian watching over us, its leaves speaking soothingly at night while we looked up at the stars as we lay to sleep on the roof. Deep. Mysterious. Mystical.

It died when we were still children, falling to the axe because… because… well, because the elders decided that it had to go. We can still picture its silhouette with the mind’s eye. We can still feel its Presence if we try...

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The Pakhar was the companion of our youth. We spent hours up in its branches. We did pull-ups hanging from its sinews, we slept and dreamed and talked and droned on in its shade, we pitted our strength against it in chopping off its branches when they hung too low over the path on one side or the field on the other. One of our fathers had died right under it. Our children learned to climb it, then to jump off from where it hung just about two metres above the ground.

A cemented platform was built under it long ago, and thousands rested in its cool shade year after year. We left the work in the fields to have a snack or a cool 'sharbat' while our children played under the tree, with the tree, in its protection. Our wives sat on the platform, so sweetly cold to the touch, and spun dreams of fairy lands that lay in the future just beyond our reach. They seemed so tenderly beautiful in its shade... or was it the light diffused by the leaves...

The Pakhar personified Contentment.

Caring. Shelter. Rejuvenation. Calm. Patience. Sagacity. Life.

It fell to fear.

As generations progressed in time, the mood of the land changed. The Pakhar became a sort of gathering place for evening hooch drinkers and sometimes possible pedlars. And we were scared that some day a government department would lay claim to the land that it stood on, or we would somehow be drawn into something bad due to the undesirable goings-on. After years of worrying, we decided to let it go.

Axe and saw.

It wrenched our hearts. Our children fought with us, demanding to have it back. They cried when they saw the fallen giant and the finality of it all sunk into their hearts. I think they lost a bit of faith in us then... The world became a bit more dry, sort of sharper at the edges. Nothing inspired fairy tales any more.

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The Neem. It was the youngest and smallest of the three. Unassuming. It never had airs about being very huge or very shady. Its leaves were bitter to taste. It always seemed to be shedding leaves and little fruit that would rot and attract swarms of flies. The crows that made it their favourite perch always aimed well at those who sat in its shade.

A hollow in the trunk of the Neem was always home to huge swarms of bees. We tried to seal it off so many times, but the little bees would find a way to get in and out. In time, we learned to live with it.

The Neem was like us.

Or was it?

We spent long afternoons shooting cane arrows into its branches from bows we had made ourselves. Our first swings, and our children's too, hung from its branches. We learned to climb. Youth made us hang ropes on the Neem to build muscle. Harpal hung a cricket ball from it on a string to practise his batting without a bowler.

Hundreds have cleaned their teeth with its twig 'datoons'. Hundreds have applied poultices of its leaves and bark to wounds and sores. Many have eaten its leaves to purify their blood. Some have even spread the leaves under their mattresses to keep bedbugs out!

When farm machinery was repaired on home ground, the Neem supported a block-and-tackle for years, and it was common to see a tractor engine or some such thing suspended from it!

As our children grew, we were eager to share with them the world we had so happily inhabited. A little boy was too small to climb such a big tree, so the father took an axe and carved out footsteps in the trunk. The boy was excited, he climbed up and down so many times! The following day the tree bled, and father and son were both sad and quiet, downcast with guilt and remorse. After a few weeks we were overjoyed to see fresh strong wood growing and converging back onto the wounds we had created. Hope. It took some years to heal completely, as good as new. It taught us something about hurt and forbearance, and about magnanimity.

Squirrels raced up and down. A pine standing close by fell in a storm, and was caught in mid-fall by the Neem, there to lean and remain for some years, alive and well in the embrace of a caring companion. 

Some superstitious mumbo-jumbo in the desperation to get 'rich' led one of us to believe that the Neem was spoiling the 'vaastu' of the homestead. Efforts were made to 'get rid of it'. Most of its branches were pruned off. It was a sad sight.

Bad health in the family led to some counter-superstitious talk that it had struck due the tampering with the tree, and it was again left alone. It did not take much time to regain its former glory, and the swings were up again.

The children loved it. It was part of 'home'.

It fell one night in summer, gently lying down on one side....

The elders are in different dimensions. We are getting on into years where it often seems better to let go than to chase. The 'children' are young men and women, some with kids of their own, being sucked in and spun dizzily in the vortex of education, career, money, power, health, family, failure, success, hope, faith, love, future, good, bad.... Life.

It left a hollow in the ground, its roots hanging up in the air.

It filled some empty spaces in our hearts.

A few days later, we buried Bulldy where the old tree had stood, just a few feet off into its shade.

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Love, respect, awe, comfort, faith, trust, hope, beauty, strength, steadfastness, courage, tolerance, forgiveness, magnanimity, resilience; all these and much more were what these three giants inspired and demonstrated. Without running around, without planning and scheming and cheating and quarrelling and envying and stealing. Without fear or distrust or cunning or connivance. Without vengeance. Without ambition, without pride.

Just by being there.

Just by giving, and resenting not the takers, but being there to give more and give again.

They left us richer.

                                                              The fallen Neem.

(See also ‘FILL YOUR THOUGHTS’ for more about the Pakhar)

(If you wish to know about Bulldy, the most awesome little fellow we were ever blessed with, please read 'PRANA AND PRAYER - II (Bulldy)' )

“Zeina Glo brings you the radiant glow of inner peace, good health and attendant beauty.
Zeina Glo helps you strip off layers of inhibitions, hesitation, and cynicism, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow freely.
Zeina Glo helps to douse the flames of insecurity and guilt, to open the windows of mind and body to the cool fresh breeze of love.
Zeina Glo encourages you to spread inner peace, good health, radiance, exuberance, warmth, joy and the glow from your inner being.
Zeina Glo brings the beauty of your own thoughts back to you!!”

For, questions, criticism or advice, please post comments here, or write to or

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Coming, coming! Hang on! It's alllmost ready. Give me a day or two till the next post.

After you read it, I expect a lot of participation from all those who have been touched by any of The Three Trees of Nawab Nagar, so get your typing fingers ready!


Friday, 11 April 2014


Oh what fun! Zeina Glo is just the trigger, the explosions of beauty, love and fragrance come from your own thoughts! 

I have coloured them RED!

I reproduce below some of your comments that warm the heart and touch the soul. 

Glow on, dear friends! Spread the glow!

Is it true that the amount of good and bad will always remain the same in the world? Is it not a punishment for our bad doings that we suffer? What about heaven and hell?

Archie 'mid ease10/15/2013 9:28 pm on LOVE MY PROBLEMS

....I like the idea that any suffering that comes our way could well have gone to one of the people we love and that, in that sense, the person who is suffering is actually doing so on somebody else's behalf; in other words, 'saving' someone else!

All these years I've wondered how Jesus Christ could have 'saved' mankind by suffering on the cross but this way of looking at it is quite logical and satisfactory. I hope my comment doesn't go contrary to any beliefs of my christian friends because that is definitely not my intention.

Our Key 'mid Ease10/18/2013 12:51 pm on PERSIAN RUGS – II

....You say Allah is Perfect and Perfection is only for Allah. . . . I find that a welcome and plausible explanation for the existence of an entity called God, who has different names for different people - Allah, God, Ishwar, Waheguru, etc.

There would be many, like me, who do not believe God exists. This concept of a perfect being, however, could be accepted as God by another name or rather, a nameless God.

It would mean that every species in the universe is striving, in its own way, to achieve perfection and that perfection, which all of us aim to achieve but which, by definition, can never be achieved, is what we can call God.

God, then, would be the most beautiful, powerful, strong, intelligent, healthy, kind, gentle (plus all other desirable qualities) creature in the entire universe. No wonder everyone worships God and a prays to God for help in all situations or thanks God for all his blessings!

Yes, God does exist, after all, but only as a concept, an ultimate aim, an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, Almighty entity we all imagine we could one day become if we put in enough effort. . .

Good seed for thought you provided. Even Charles Darwin would agree.

....Everyone seems to have built layers of fear all around themselves, and it is out of vogue to leave the future to fate, kismat, destiny, nature, God.... I think it is all about good economics, fear sells, insecurity sells, insurance sells, supplements sell, accessories sell.....

Can your idealistic figures survive in today's competitive world?

Inside each individual is one of these idealistic figures. Somewhere, no matter how deep or how misguided, there is love and caring and loyalty, for some ideal, for some person, place, deity, goal... 

Tanya dnt blv ths ldy, ur dog is not da nly btfl 1 in da wrld.

Archie 'mid easeTue Oct 15, 12:30:00 pm  on 5 EXCUSES TO BE UNHAPPY TODAY

...If one could just stop being so conscious all the time (in other words, do away with so many unimportant, unnecessary fears) life could become so much easier to live. There would then be so much more time and energy available to one to appreciate and enjoy the really important and necessary things all round: things like nature's bounty, the naughty gleam in a child's eyes, the anticipation of good times to come in a puppy's wagging tail, the synchronous movement of an entire shoal of fish or flight of birds. . . .

...The more creatures that your love and compasion can encompass, the more beauty you shall find!

Our Key 'mid EaseSun Oct 20, 01:56:00 am on INNER BEAUTY & HEALTH

...Did anyone ever tell you that the only beautiful girls in the world are those that are beautiful from inside?

This applies equally to boys, though the word 'beautiful' might sound a little out of place there! Or does it? Actually, 'beautiful' is a beautiful word and is probably the best description of a person (of any age or gender), animal, flower, mountain, ocean, scenery, even any situation that makes us want to smile and be grateful for its presence. . .

Health and beauty are intricately inter-connected and could really be described as two sides of the same coin. Both these qualities must start on the inside and are only then visible on the outside. . . ask any doctor or beautician!

“Zeina Glo brings you the radiant glow of inner peace, good health and attendant beauty.
Zeina Glo helps you strip off layers of inhibitions, hesitation, and cynicism, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow freely.
Zeina Glo helps to douse the flames of insecurity and guilt, to open the windows of mind and body to the cool fresh breeze of love.
Zeina Glo encourages you to spread inner peace, good health, radiance, exuberance, warmth, joy and the glow from your inner being.
Zeina Glo brings the beauty of your own thoughts back to you!!”

For, questions, criticism or advice, please post comments here, or write to or

Friday, 4 April 2014


My mind is full of thoughts; actually, literally, an infinite number of thoughts in infinite layers of the mind. How, why, when, past, future, his, hers, mine, theirs, ages ago, worlds hence, thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, jumble upon jumble, how to get it, how to get out of it, why me, why not me, how me, how will I get this, how will I keep that, will ‘my’ children be mine, why did this happen to me, how shall I keep ‘my ‘ beloved husband, wife, son, daughter, father, lover and so on till infinity.

Were they ever mine?

And how about that ‘Karuna ka saagar’, Ocean of Compassion, who suffers with each of His sons and daughters and saints and disciples, His children, His own, parts of Him, Him Himself? Does he cry and suffer when we suffer? Does he have no feeling for us, his own?

Do I remember the time when my little girl or boy had to take their cruel injections or break a bone or suffer illness and pain? Did I not suffer? Did I not agree that the doctors had to inject or operate or encase or anything else? Did I not suffer in every breath with my child, yet had to put him/her through the pain and suffering and fear and accept it as best as I could? Did I not hope for the best, work for the best, manipulate for the best, pray for the best?

Doesn’t He, who is the Father of all fathers, the Mother of all mothers?

Has not the past gone by, is not the future out of reach?

Did They not suffer who hung on the cross, did They not suffer who died in unimaginable torture? Did they not suffer who fell to sword, bullet, disease, hunger, fear, oppression? Who am I that I must not suffer?

Only one person is free from suffering.

Did they suffer who gave their lives smilingly for a cause, who were roasted and burnt alive, who were chopped into pieces, who wore laurels of thorns.…. and forgave the oppressors? All of them forgave. Did they despair?

Only one who knows that it is for a cause greater than the self, only one who knows that this is not the end, only one knows that there are answers to all the questions, but they are yet out of reach, out of the syllabus of this school, and will come in their own time, only one who has Faith on the One whose parts we are, only one who knows that there is method in this madness, that that method will be revealed in some other dimension, that The Master who orchestrates it all is a benign master who suffers with His children; only that one is free from suffering.

Acceptance, Hope, Faith. I do not need to Know in black and white print or in just so many words! My words and the thoughts they define are not even a minuscule proportion of what IS? Oh I cannot even formulate my questions properly, how do I expect to understand the answers?! The answers lie in FAITH. Faith that He Knows, He is Right, and it is all under control.

If we can take the plunge on a bungee rope just on the faith that all is under control, can we not grant to god, our lord, our father, our saviour, our shelter, the sum total of all the good wishes and blessings we ever had, the collective soul of all our ancestors and predecessors gone by and all our children born and yet unborn, can we not have faith on Him that ALL IS WELL?

Can I just constantly remember that my Father is there and is very much in control? Get rid of all other thoughts? Did my children not take their first bitter medicines and injections and going away from homes just that way? Did they not have faith that mom and dad were actually waiting just outside the school gates, or would be there to take them home when the time came?

Can I just glow in the secure knowledge of His infinite love, forgiveness and compassion?

“Zeina Glo brings you the radiant glow of inner peace, good health and attendant beauty.
Zeina Glo helps you strip off layers of inhibitions, hesitation, and cynicism, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow freely.
Zeina Glo helps to douse the flames of insecurity and guilt, to open the windows of mind and body to the cool fresh breeze of love.
Zeina Glo encourages you to spread inner peace, good health, radiance, exuberance, warmth, joy and the glow from your inner being.
Zeina Glo brings the beauty of your own thoughts back to you!!”

For, questions, criticism or advice, please post comments here, or write to or

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


There was a patch of quicksand at the farm. It was not much as quicksand goes, hardly more than a couple of yards across at any place. And I seem to remember that we hit hard ground at about thigh-deep even when we were this high ourselves.

We never called it ‘the farm’ then. It was ‘home’. Much later, when colleges and professions started claiming our children, it started becoming an economic alternative called ‘the farm’. A whole lot of hearts still beat to the desire of spending our evening years there.

Sinking in a couple of feet took more than a minute. The loss of control, the futility of struggling against the cloying mush that threatened to suck one in against one’s will; oh our little hearts knew panic! But after the first few times we learned to enjoy it. Our mothers would be angry, but we had more faith in life then than they had. We had not yet experienced flood and drought and disease and danger, and fear, real fear that probably clutches at the one who once again holds her eight – year old dying with some unknown ailment.

When official documents ask for a ‘permanent home’, almost all of us still write the farm address.

It was common to see someone sitting by a patch of crop gazing aimlessly into the depths of green and brown. It now brings to the imagination a body sitting in a Japanese garden empty of all thought, just feeling, just being, one with the garden, one with His will, one with the hum of Nature, getting up at length to place a small stone under the falling water just to change its tone a little bit to make the melody softer, then sitting down again; without plans, without blueprints, without design, just being.

Ever so often, we would spend a hot sultry afternoon dozing in the deep shade of the old 'pakhar' tree. The drone of the insects, the breeze cooled by the depth of the shade, the chirrups and caws of birds as they played within the immense canopy, the little ants that would crawl over us and often bite for want of anything better to do, the soft snore of our own breath as we bordered on the verge of consciousness…..

..always, contentment seemed to lie at the verge bordering consciousness and oblivion.

The race for consciousness, the belief in one’s own power to achieve, the stress of planning and providing, the stuffing of one’s existence with self-reliance and self-importance, the glare of ego and conceit, all blind us to the need to surrender to inter-dependence, to love, to powers beyond one’s imagination, to the forces of nature, to harmony, to the hand of god.

We are too conscious of ourselves, of our appearance, of our age, of our knowledge, wisdom, strength, education, office, rank, status, relationships, health, thoughts, plans, targets, achievements; self-importance.

Contentment lies on the far side of conscious thought.

Which day in our lives has gone exactly as we planned and given us exactly what we desired? Has the waywardness of life deprived us or enriched us? Do we believe that we have control over sufficient external and internal factors to plan out every moment of our lives? Does that mean that we even control the thought, word and deeds of each individual or entity that has any effect on our lives? Can we actually fathom how small and insignificant are our plans and conquests in the vast vistas of time, space and energy? Can we understand that the only reason for our ‘existence’ is that we are a speck in the Perfection of a much larger canvas?

Must we die to learn that we have not lived?

The secret is to lose consciousness of the self, the ego, and merge with the larger picture, to acknowledge the Hand of the Painter and not try to take over the canvas, to wonder at His work and admire all parts of the picture that make it whole and beautiful.

We constantly fill our thoughts with plans and worries. We often feel guilty to leave our conscious thoughts blank. Can we, then, deliberately fill our heart and soul and consciousness with His name, crowd out and smother all other conscious thoughts? And rely on Him to take care?

Can we fill our being with His presence and let Him guide our actions?

Can we just remember constantly that He Is, and we are not!

“Zeina Glo brings you the radiant glow of inner peace, good health and attendant beauty.
Zeina Glo helps you strip off layers of inhibitions, hesitation, and cynicism, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow freely.
Zeina Glo helps to douse the flames of insecurity and guilt, to open the windows of mind and body to the cool fresh breeze of love.
Zeina Glo encourages you to spread inner peace, good health, radiance, exuberance, warmth, joy and the glow from your inner being.
Zeina Glo brings the beauty of your own thoughts back to you!!”

For, questions, criticism or advice, please post comments here, or write to or