Emotions do not
only express feelings; they infuse energy.
Energy gotten
from greed, lust, envy and anger is extraordinary; but it is insensitive,
inconsiderate, short-sighted and destructive. It is self-centred, but also self-defeating;
something malignant which will destroy the very object or person it feeds off
or grows upon. It is like gorging oneself by depriving someone else of a meal, stepping on unsuspecting shoulders in order to rise, and being left with no one to
catch us when we fall, no one to feed us when we are hungry.
Energy motivated
by nature, love, beauty, wonder and awe is positive, benign and healing. It
comes from smiles, blessings, caring, caresses, prayer and love. Love not of
anyone separate from oneself, but love with the recognition that everyone and
everything combines to make a Whole that is One.
That is ‘Prana’.
It is sweet,
pleasing, rejuvenating, strengthening, uplifting and intoxicating. It is
caring. It is tender. It is definite. It is purposeful.
Prana is
blessings. Prana is prayers. Prana is good wishes. Prana is Love, transmitted.
It is not just
transmitted from person to person. In fact, that may usually be one of the
weaker sources of Prana, which involves purity of purpose and virtuousness
in action. Much greater sources of Prana are to be found in nature, where purity and innocence are inherent; the soft
morning sunlight on closed eyes, the cool earth on bare feet, raindrops on a
rejoicing heart, chill breezes that draw teardrops from the corner of the eye, falling
leaves, the myriad sounds of birds and
animals, fragrances – smells of existence.
endeavours to bring about the hypnotic state of thoughtlessness that is
inherent in flowing water, rain and fire. Nature does not require endeavour. Nature
transmits, nature is the source, and we imbibe through all our senses, known
and unknown. Awaken those senses, arouse receptivity to those sensations,
surrender to the harmony of nature, and we have the best form of meditation.
Senses. Use them. Respect them. Nurture them. Rejoice in them.
Feel. Touch.
Touch, better than all the others, communicates caring, comfort,
strength, courage, love, Prana!
The solid
comfort of leaning against the rugged bark of an old tree, the ‘coming home’ feel of mud on
your cheek, the memory of knees bruised on grass, a stone held lightly ready to
be thrown, the back of your fingers brushing a baby’s skin, the throb of
machinery running along one’s body through one’s hands, snuggling animal pets…..
Oh God, it is endless!
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