Friday, 15 November 2013


It is not about crime and punishment. My Lord is ever benign. He is a father above all fathers. He keeps giving me chances to redeem myself. Every step of the way, many times a day, I have the chance to take the path of goodness. I can choose NOW!

The marketing men talk of opportunities to be grabbed; they are in a hurry to sell their wares, and afraid of failing. My lord lays out lessons to be understood; and the learning keeps changing with time. The same incident can be interpreted differently in many dimensions of time and exposure. The Learner goes through sequences of victory, despair, vengeance, elation, jealousy, hate, rancour, conciliation, enlightenment, forgiveness, begging, mercy, acceptance, surrender, understanding, awe, faith, Love… Oh what a lesson! What a course! What a classroom!

My lord feels no anger, no annoyance. The lessons are planned by Him, the reactions are known to Him. The bit of His soul in me must go through the gamut and finally dissolve in Love and be one again with my lord.

My lord does not know impatience, because such would need a reference of time, and my lord is timeless, eternal, infinite, or Time Itself.

Krishna is the cowherd when I am finally His cow.

Jesus is the shepherd when I am His sheep.

Nanak is the guru when I am His disciple.

Till the time I am not, they wait, in fathomless dimensions of time and space called eternity, for the return of the prodigal.

This is the story of every soul.


  1. The other day i was at the supermarket buying some biscuits for myself when i observed an old man of about 78 years searching through the namkeen packets. On noticing that i was looking at him, he came to and asked for help to find the packet for him as he could not see properly.
    while i was searching for what he wanted he told me that last time he got the other namkeen thinking that it was the same his grandchildren shouted at him and did Not give him food for the entire day. He had tears rolling down his cheeks, i found the packet and gave him. He blessed me and went.

    though he went from the place that time, i still think of him sometimes and worry about him. But all i can do is worry about him and nothing else.

    1. First, all praise to Him who aroused in us the wonderfully overwhelming feeling of compassion. Now that we have felt it, do we welcome it, or would we rather have not met the Old Man and thus remained bereft of the pleasure of this worry?
      Next, let us thank Him, by any name and under any garb, for the chance to feel, exude and transmit. Shall we transmit sadness and worry, to be felt in some minute measure by the whole world, or would we rather exude love, caring, respect, hope for the Old One, and faith in Him-Who-Makes-US-Old?
      We may not be able to do something tangible for that particular One, but we can pass on the compassion many fold to Others, young and old, including ourselves.
      Feel the Love, feel the Prana, flowing in as well as out. Feel the pleasantness you carry.
      Glow, from deep inside.
      Zeina Glo.

  2. Dear Blogger,
    Thnak you for such beautiful thoughts but i have a question to ask..You say that it is never about crime and punishment. but then what about karma. when people say do good deeds or you will have to suffer. isnt suffering the punishment to your crimes you have committed?

    1. Hang on, buddy! New post coming soon, just for you!
      Meanwhile, glow on!

    2. For you, a post called 'KARMA'.
      Glow on, in the faith of His love.

      Zeina Glo
