Thursday 3 October 2024


Happy birthday, dear Jashan; the rejoicing continues…

Nothing To Lose

The passage of time, or the illusion of such a passage, makes us afraid of losing things that we have, or we probably don't have anyway.

It also makes us yearn for things that we had, or we probably never had anyway.

…honour, respect, strength, influence, health, love, heaven, power, life, fun, children, parents, family, friends, skills, wealth, possessions... ... wisdom… …

When we were not busy going through the play and confusion and bruises and scratches and victories and fears of being children, we were dreaming of being like our adult or teenage heroes.

Now we've been there; some younger ones have dreamt of being like us; and we're still dreaming of something more just a little bit short of the other end of rainbow. Or we're dwelling on what we think we were, or could have been.

Circumstances change. We change. A new day lights up every morning, or a new morning lights up every day. 

There's no going back to where we came from. But we have been there. And for having been there, we have had innumerable sightings of heaven. Hell too, maybe; but where would heaven be if there were no hell?

If we start wondering at the places and times when heaven has surprised us, it may dawn upon us that there is so much of it! More and more, and more than we can ever hope for, in more ways than we can ever imagine. All around us, popping up unbidden and unexpected from any-just-where.

Old casts keep breaking, old forms keep changing. Friends, events, people, pets, keep coming and passing on. Sometimes, we yearn for more; and often we throw up our hands and say that we have had enough.

At some places on the journey, we have lain in the deep shade of an afternoon tree that cooled us more from within than it did from without, or sat on a sandy beach watching the endless waves that always flowed towards us, or turned to face a chill mountain breeze that brought sparkling tears to dance in our eyes; and we have reflected upon some of the oh-so-many blessings we have had - unknowing, unasked and unexpected - and we have nodded our heads a little in acknowledgement, and grunted in gratitude.

It's been an incredible journey, and it will continue to be till we get where we are going.


  1. So true.. Anjan

    1. Anjan! Thanks for being born, buddy! You light up lives.

  2. "God has been kind..." once you develop this attitude, you can't stop wondering at the many blessings you have received throughout your life. It's a good attitude to have - it saves you the worry about things that might have gone - or are yet to go - wrong with you. Worrying about the past and the future is quite futile and best not done, whereas counting your blessings somehow results in more and more coming your way.

    Thank you, Zeinaglo, for bringing us yet another beautiful blog. 🙏🏻💖
