Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Thoughts change, circumstances change, expressions change, beliefs change, stimuli change, reactions change, capabilities change, efforts change, relations change, reasons change, days change, age changes, interpretations change, perceptions change, nature changes, people change, climate changes.

The past changes.

Man’s need to rule changes, man’s need to control changes, man’s need to delve changes, man’s need to understand changes. The arrogance of knowing changes. The hesitation in accepting ‘maybe’ changes.

The importance of oneself changes. The size of the ego changes.

The scheme of things…the world…whatever else…

It was. It is. It will be.

Don’t mind me, people, I just happened by.

Of course, it was no coincidence, this coming of mine; or yours, for that matter. But do not get carried away by it, you and I had no part in it – we started ‘living’ after it happened. We are not to be held answerable for the times we were born in, or the conditions; these are decisions of Someone or Something that we do not know as yet.

Loyalties, fights, judgements, right and wrong, good and bad, love and hate, falsehoods and truths, honesty and deceit, courage and cowardice, madness and prudence – I’m sure they all have some meaning, some purpose…

…but then again, everything changes. And every idea, every emotion, every reaction, every problem, every solution; each one comes to our lives just when the time is right.

Anyone can conjure a hundred reasons why he should have been ‘wealthier’ or better placed or more sought after than he is, but these are just imaginings; illusions; bits of straw in the wind.

One line of the Song Divine of ‘Aarti’ from Guru Granth Sahib…

ਹਰਿ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਬਿਨੁ ਝੂਠੇ ਸਗਲ ਪਾਸਾਰੇ
Har Kay Naam Bin Jhoothay Sagal Paasaaray ||
हरि के नाम बिनु झूठे सगल पासारे
Without the Name of the Lord, all arrays of enterprise are false.

Happy birthday Jashan.

1 comment:

  1. Let me begin with a quote by one of my favourite philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche “The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.”
    Its true that change is inevitable but its acceptance is a subjective issue. Those who welcome it grow and flow towards the delightful union of accomplishments and triumph. Those with qualms, perish, like stagnant water losing its gleam and vibrancy, due to their stifling outlook. “Let Go” should be the approach to metamorphosize from the chrysalis of ignorance into a butterfly of splendour and charm.
    Change is difficult.. Its hard to alter oneself without the will being involved in it. I am so habitual of being myself that any spur in the direction of change will be perceived by me as an agent of obliteration of my Being, my Individuality.. I am the only custodian of my unique and distinctive attributes which make me what I am. I cannot betray myself and succumb to the inordinate fierceness of change.
    Why am I being so repugnant and odious… being an impediment in my own growth..

    I should not..

    Let me embrace change and venture upon a journey of rediscovering myself…

    Jashan wish you a very Happy Birthday.. May God bless you today and always…

