Saturday, 22 July 2023


 The Cost of Living or God is a Matter of Opinion 

I judge others only in order to validate myself. Only.

Others are wrong to prove that I am right.

And no one is bothered, because they stand on a different little hillock to look down at a world that's all wrong. Other than themselves.

I can choose to be happy; as is, where is; as am where am. 


It's the only way.

Investing in sadness today on the pretext of reaping happiness tomorrow only takes away the chance of spending a joyful day today.

I do not have the selflessness of perspective to understand that if I am not wrong, then no one else can be.

So I nurse and propagate various beliefs and 'truths'. One of them is known as God.

This God is the easiest pin-cushion to blame my troubles on, and say to that It owes me Something. 

No one can say that to Me; that I owe them something.

And I spin a web of right and wrong. I sometimes repeat borrowed thoughts to buttress my own. Because countless millions before me have trod the same path. 

Treadmill. Over and over. Without getting anywhere. Trod the mill.

My only validation lies in judging others. In poorer light.

Judgement is just a matter of opinion.

As God is.

And I propound a final Day of Judgement, when Someone in Authority will tell all and sundry that I was right. That I had reason to be what I was; to do what I did, as I did.


A matter of opinion.

A convenience.

More than the bed I sleep on, the food that sustains me, the air I breathe, the earth I inhabit.

My only hope for salvation.

Defined as it suits me. So that I am right where others are not. 

Sometimes others are so un-right that they are left. Left behind, left out, just left. Escaped from.

Right and wrong. Fully subjective.

A matter of opinion. 


The cost of living.


Unless I start recognising myself as a part of, a reflection of, a sameness of, that One Selfless All Knowing Idea that is separated from humans only by being All Encompassing, All Understanding, All Accepting, All Salvate-ing!

Responsible for all acts of commission and omission in all of Creation.

And thus The Giver of Freedom to all beings to be themselves, without fear of being judged.

For.. I... am... only... a matter of opinion. Sometimes mine, sometimes others'.

What else could I be; my coming, my being, my going? 

Not even a whisper in this vast Nothingness.